Languages Italian: Native English: Fluent:written and spoken German: Intermediate:written and spoken Spanish: Basic:written and spoken French: Basic:written and spoken She holds an attitude to travelling and moving aswell as public relations at international level. Since 2002 she is involved in art, both inorganizing exhibition and as an artist. She is also busy in organizing links,projects and exhibitions’ set up both in Italy and abroad.
- 2025 Trostberg (Germania) Kunstmeile ’25 link
- 2025 (maggio) Pisa (Italia) ARTELAND – Terra dell’arte – Spazio Sopra Le Logge link
- 2023 (11-29/05/23) Trostberg (Germany) Kunstmeile ’23 link
- 2022 (20/11/22 – 20/5/23) Online Exhibition of contemporary art – Pisa
- 2022 (2/10/21 – 2/5/22) Pisa (Italy) Artemediterranea by Palazzo Gambacorti – Spazio Sopra Le Logge
- 2021 (6-24/5) Trostberg (Germany) Kunstmeile ’21
- 2019 (21/11) Sculpture donation to the Municipality of Pisa (Artemediterranea Biennale 2018)
- 2019 (25/5 – 10/6) Trostberg (Germany) Kunstmeile ’19
- 2018 (6-25/10) Pisa (Italy) Artemediterranea by Palazzo Gambacorti – Spazio Sopra Le Logge
- 2017 (15/9) Personal interview Radio Capodistria (Slo) – “IL COMMENTO IN STUDIO – I Fatti della Settimana” by Donatella Pohar
- 2017 (19/5-5/06) Trostberg (Germany) Kunstmeile ’17
- 2016 (1-26/10) Pisa (Italy) Artemediterranea by Palazzo Gambacorti – Spazio Sopra Le Logge
- 2016 (1-19/08) Stahlsymposion 2016 “CORTEN” Kraftwerk Riederbach Energie A.G by Salzburg (A)
- 2015 (23/10 – 27/11) Exibition sculptures/paintings with Gitti Schneider (Innsbruck, A) “Dass der Himmel uber mich sich klare” – “Beyond” Hotel Vis a Vis Trieste Italy
- 2015 (28/08) Exibition for closing session “Stahl(Symposium) Textur – Texturierung” Riedersbach (Salisburgo, A)
- 2015 (10/08 – 28/08) Stahlsymposium 2015 “Stahl(Symposium) Textur – Texturierung” Riedersbach (Salisburgo, A) Energie A.G. e Verein Freunde des Stahlpark, dir. Mag.Art Walter Holzinger
- 2015 (14-19/04) Exibition in Milan (Italy) Tortona Design District via Tortona, 31 Spazio Ponti a MILANO with Coontemporarymood for Milano Design Week
- 2015 (12-15/03) Exibition in Hong Kong (China) Asia Contemporary Art Show Hong Kong, with Novi Art and Movimento Arte XXI Secolo(Novi Ligure- Italy)
- 2014 (29/08) Exibition for closing session “25. Stahl(Symposium)simphonie” Riedersbach (Salisburgo,A)
- 2014 (21/08) Personal interview – Sommerradio ORF2 im Kraftwerk Riedersbach
- 2014 (11/08 – 29/08) Stahlsymposium 2014 “25. Stahl(Symposium)simphonie” Riedersbach (Salisburgo,A) Energie A.G. e Verein Freunde des Stahlpark, dir. Mag.Art Walter Holzinger
- 2013 (15/11 – 01/2014) Advent Market in Gmunden on Traunsee (A) Sculturespath : “The singing sculpture: Harmony esb2013”. (
- 2013 (30/08 – 1/09) Closing session and exhibition in Gipshalle Powerplant Energie A.G. Riedersbach by Salzburg (A)
- 2013 (12-30/08) Sthalsymposium 2013 “Space in Space” Powerplant Riedersbach Energie A.G. & Verein Freunde des Stahlpark, by Salzburg (A) dir. Mag.Art Walter Holzinger
- 2013 (28/06 – 23/08) MOMA (New York, USA) online course ( “From Pigment to Pixel:color in Modern&Contemporary Art” dir. Corey d’Augustine (Haiku learning, LMS)
- 2012 (17/11 – 13/01/2013) Celebrating 45th Mostra del Paesaggio and 1st opening exhibition Lux Art Gallery Promoted by S.A.L-TRIESTE(IT)
- 2012 (31/08-2/09) Celebration for 120 Year ENERGIE A.G. in Closing Session International Stahlsymposium and Exibition (
- 2012 (13-31/08) International Stahlsymposium 2012 “The Spirit of Steel”- Kraftwerk ENERGIE.A.G Riedersbach by SALZBURG (A), dir. M.A. Christiane Pott-Schlager
- 2012 (31/01 – 17/02) Personal exibition “Le mie mani, i miei occhi” by Hotel Duchi-Vis a Vis, TRIESTE (IT)
- 2012 (21-29/01) ArtAction 2°Trofeo Gaudenziano, partnership with NOVARA (IT) Province (
- 2011 (20/12 – 20/01/2012) Artists Club D’Ars “ Unione tra affinità e diversità” by Spazio Multimediale/SPE/Il Giorno-MILANO (IT)
- 2011 (12-18/12) Personal exhibition by Spazio Multimediale/Galleria 9 Colonne SPE/Il Giorno/MILANO(It) Partnership with Fondazione D’Ars MILANO
- 2011 (26-29/08) Exibition for closing session International Stahlsymposium 2011 by Kraftwerk ENERGIE A.G. Riedersbach Stahlpark (AT)
- 2011 (22-26/08) Personal interview on internet channel TV AUSTRIA ORF2 (
- 2011 (19/08) Personal interview TV AUSTRIA ORF2 on International Stahlsymposium” Culture” (
- 2011 (7-28/08) International Stahlsymposium 2011 “Klang und Stahl”- ENERGIE A.G. Riedersbach by SALZBURG (AT), dir. M.A Christiane Pott-Schlager
- 2011 (11-17/06) “La ruggine e la sua vitalità, materia che genera se stessa” by Chiostro dei Glicini, Società Umanitaria, partnership with Fondazione D’Ars MILANO (IT)
- 2011 (4/06) Opening Session Padiglione Aerospaziale ” Caproni”- Volandia, Park&Fly Museum MALPENSA Airport-VARESE (IT), “Allunaggio 40 Anni Dopo”
- 2011 (2-24/03) “La ruggine e la sua vitalità” by Galleria 9 Colonne/SPE/Il Resto del Carlino-BOLOGNA (IT)
- 2011 (21-30/01) “Homage a Chopin” MANTOVA(It) by Spazio Cubo, partnership with Studio D’Ars MILANO (IT)
- 2010 (26/10 – 8/11) ”Homage a Chopin” Milano by Studio D’Ars Via S.Agnese ex Giardino Calderini, Celebration 100 Year Chopin birthday
- 2010 (11-24/09) Pisa (Italy), Palazzo Fiumi&Fossi “Capturing Emotion” sculptures and paintings (Rossana Berti Garzelli) Presentation of Jolanda Pietrobelli under the patronage of Pisa City hall, Province of Pisa and Trivella Foundation
- 2010 (9-27/08) International Stahlsymposium 2010 “Zwischen Konstruktion und Experiment” dir. Mag.Art Christiane Pott-Schlager, Kraftwerke Riedersbach- Energie A.G. by Salzburg (A). Abschlusspraesentazion on 27.August 2010 Gipshalle. The exibition is held in the weekend after the presentation, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 (
- 2010 (8-10/05) Temple University – Rome (I) (templeuniversityrome) by Villa Caproni, exibition “Allunaggio 40 Anni Dopo”in collaboration with Fondaz.D’Ars-Milan (I)
- 2010 (15/03 – 15/05) Exibition “Art&Steel” by MiniMu-Provincia di Trieste (I)
- 2010 (14/02 – 28/03) Palazzo Boglietti-Biella (I) (, exibition“Allunaggio 40 Anni Dopo”in collaboration with Fondazione D’Ars-Milan (I)
- 2010 (01/03) Italian Art Magazine “Boè”: in insert Friuli-Venezia Giulia one page dedicated
- 2009 (20/12 – 11/01/2010) for celebration 40 Years First Man on the Moon (1969-2009) “Allunaggio 40X40”, sculptures, photographies and paintings, 50 Years Fondazione D’Ars, Milan (I) (
- 2009 (3-15/10) Sculptures and Paintings Exibition by Galleria Modigliani-Milan (I)
- 2009 (4-6/09) 20 Year Celebration Exibition Steel symposium 2009 Stahlpark Riedersbach Gipshalle
- 2009 (17/08 – 04/09) International Stahlpark Symposium (Riedersbach bei Salzburg, Austria) dir. Mag Art. Christiane Pott-Schlager (, title ”DROP IN” steel sculptures
- 2008 (09) 1° Award for Sculpture Town of Cecina (Tuscany Italy) “Cecina in Festa …naturalmente”
- 2008 (09) Radio Interview RAI 3 , broadcasting “Sconfinamenti” AM936
- 2008 (08) Atelier with belgian artists in Maremma (Tuscany- Italy)
- 2008 (08) Internationale Kreativ Woche by Stahlpark Riedersbach (Salzburg- Austria), dir. Christiane Pott-Schlager, steel sculptures, exibition in the Gipshalle Kraftwerk Riedersbach (Austria)
- 2008 (07) considered in the book editing for celebration : “20 Years – Art in Power Plant” by Energie A.G.-Riedersbach (Austria)
- 2008 (06) one page dedicated in the magazine “Taormina (Sicily) ART in Progress “ I for the First International Competition : “Taormina-Arte e Colori”
- 2008 (03) “Creativity in a new Idea”project – Forum Contemporary Art, at Euroculture ( Trieste)
- 2008 (03) National Prize “Cris Pietrobelli”for literature and unpublished poetry (
- 2008 (02) Ventura, CA, USA, course of sculpture and mixedtechniques Atelier Contemporary Art
- 2008 (01/02) Dedicated illustratedpage on Journal “Boè”
- 2007 (11) Bruxelles (Belgio) course “Haikue art”, directed by Chantal Evens
- 2007 (07) Internationale Kreativ Woche at StahlparkRiedersbach bei Salzburg,( Austria) dir. Mag.Art. ChristianePott-Schlager. Steel artworks presentedand exhibited
- 2007 (06) Artworks exhibited in Graz ( Austria), “Cityof Culture 2007”,at Urania art centre within the Trieste-Graz days
- 2006 (08) Internationale StahlparkSymposium (Riedersbach bei Salzburg, Austria) dir.Mag Art. Christiane Pott-Schlager. Steel artworks presented and exhibited. Stahlnacht Homage: K.H. Schoeneswetter
- 2005 (09) Internationale StahlparkSymposium (Riedersbach bei Salzburg, Austria) K. H. Schoeneswetter. Steel artworks presented and exhibited. Stahlnacht
- 2004 She is involved also in sculpturing steel under the direction of prof.K. H. Schoeneswetter( Austria),St.Radegund
- 2004, 2005, 2006 Frequency of the “Perinciso” laboratory(Roma) directed by Laura Stor, engraving with traditional hand lathe ofetching, aquatint, ceramolle and combined tecnique on different materialsmatrices, mainly copper, zinc and linoleum. Workshops in Reggio Emilia and Bagnacavallo(Italia)